On Wednesday 19th June, the Coverdrone team attended the second Drone Safe Registerβs business meeting at the Gatwick Aviation Museum. Drone Safe Register (DSR) is one of our long-standing partners, in which we offer members a discount off our insurance product. DSR provides a national, searchable database containing the contact details and profiles of trained, qualified and insured drone pilots within the UK.
The morning consisted of various product presentations from Drone Safe Registerβs partners starting with Qlaims. Jon Mainwaring, Chief Technical Officer at Qlaims, described how the company utilises DSR drone operators to offer mobile and cloud based IT solutions to provide more efficient handling of insurance claims.
Our Marketing Manager, Jess, then provided an overview of the risks that we, as insurers, believe are associated with owning and operating a drone. She then described how we, as a drone industry, can minimise these risks and the services that Coverdrone can provide in order to do this. Jess detailed how we handle a claim and the information that we require in order to ensure a 48 hour turn around.
Alex Douglas, Editor at Commercial Drone Professional (CDP) gave a run through of how CDP can provide DSR members with the opportunity to publish various content across their online platforms. Commercial Drone Professional is a dedicated information source for professionals operating in the commercial drone industry.
The CAA were also in attendance, in which members were given the opportunity to ask UAS Unit Heads, Andrew Hamilton and Kev Woolsey, various questions. Topics such as the new EASA regulations, registration laws that are due to come into effect later on this year and also CAA audits.
Members were then given the opportunity during lunch to take a tour of the museum, followed by a presentation by Superintendent Justin Burtenshaw from Sussex Police, who provided an overview of the Gatwick situation. Workshops were then held, split into two, one hour sessions, in relation to various aspects of drone operations such as Colour Grading with Echo Alfa, Thermal Imaging with iRed, Photography with Jessops and an overview of Ops Manuals & OSCβs.
Mark Boyt, CEO of Drone Safe Register, ended the day with his closing remarks and a reflection of the day.
The members meeting was a fantastic opportunity for our team to network with DSR members and gain feedback in regards to our policies and services that we can provide, which we have certainly taken onboard. It was also a great way for operators to share their industry knowledge with each othneer and gain tips.
We look forward to supporting Drone Safe Register with future projects and similar events and would like to thank DSR for inviting us to attend a very successful event!