
New Drone Laws Introduced

The UK government has introduced new laws for drone users aimed at increasing safety as the number of small unmanned aerial vehicles continues to increase.  Read More

Can Drones Fuel UK Growth?

Drones now crop up in every walk of life. The opportunities to add value to existing services are increasing, and research from Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) suggests that the use of UAVs can help to boost the British economy by £42bn by 2030…    Read More

An Interview with UAS Flight Ops’ Jason Woodcock

Surveillance photography can offer clients a range of covert services, but there’s no hiding place when you provide outstanding footage for Channel 4’s Hunted programme. Coverdrone chats to commercial drone operator Jason Woodcock from UAS Flight Ops… Read More

Coverdrone FlySafe App

Take a look at the Coverdrone FlySafe App that offers flexible UAV insurance to commercial and recreational drone operators… If you have any questions in regards to the Flysafe App, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the team. Read More

Drone Safe Register Promotes UAV Best Practice

The Drone Safe Register (DSR) is a community hub for commercial UAV operators. From drone loans and hardware deals, Coverdrone insurance discounts, and links to CAA-approved training - it’s all about promoting best practice for small unmanned aerial vehicles… Read More

Drones Assisting Nature Conservation

Hard to reach areas are no obstacle for drones, and that means conservation projects, tracking animals and protecting endangered species can all be achieved by UAVs that gather data, take photos and video. Read More

Drones Aiding Railway Improvements

Modern railways present complex challenges to engineers, safety officers and maintenance teams. The speed and flexibility of drones offers solutions to emerging challenges… Read More

Unmanned Air Traffic Management

With airspace becoming more congested and presenting increasingly complex challenges to UAV operators, a high-tech cloud-based solution is now available to enable drones to communicate and operate safely across the airspace…  Read More

What Is The Future Of Drones?

Unmanned aerial vehicles are now playing a significant role in our daily lives. Over the next decade, as regulations and air safety mechanisms evolve further, drones are likely to be essential to everything we do. Read More

Drones Keeping The Roads Safe

Britain’s roads are often gridlocked. Traffic officers struggle to reach congested areas, but drones could fly to the rescue and offer a mobile solution to monitoring the country’s motorists…   Read More

UAV Technology Benefiting Communities

Drones are touching everyone’s life in some way or other. Now several cities and councils in England are investigating how the latest UAV technology can benefit the communities they support. Read More