Author Archives: Via Studios

Rescue Drones Saving Lives

Drones seem to crop up in different parts of people’s lives every day, and in Australia an unmanned aerial vehicle has completed something remarkable – helping to save lives!  Read More

Delivery Drones – Will They Really Take Off?

The idea of delivery drones, like autonomous driverless cars and unmanned trains, has caused controversy since they were first mentioned. For ever-demanding consumers, however, being able to get products shipped direct by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is appealing. Coverdrone peeps into the future… Read More

Mission Possible for The Helicopter Girls

Formed in 2012, The Helicopter Girls are not your usual drone team. With a wealth of experience in TV and films, plus hands-on knowledge of UAVs and top-end cameras, these commercial operators deliver stunning aerial images… never shying away from a challenging mission! Read More

Increased Use of Drones for Movie Footage

Whether it’s TV shows, news reports or blockbuster movies, the rise of the commercial drone in film production has been dramatic. Flyers worldwide now offer media companies exciting new options to deliver content, and the viewing public are reaping the benefits... Read More

Trust Us, Because Our Customers Do!

Cherry-picking the best customer reviews is easy, and many firms showcase only the positive feedback posted online by users. Coverdrone is different, linking all reviews hosted by an independent company called Feefo. Read More

Drones Assessing Wind Turbines at Sea

As hazardous occupations go, accessing, climbing and inspecting wind turbines out at sea is one of the riskiest jobs going, but the use of drones is now helping to avoid potential accidents, plus saving time and money. Read More