A recent study by the European company ProtoLabs titled ‘Horizon Shift: Accelerated Disruption in Aerospace’ has revealed that the Coronavirus pandemic offers opportunities for drones, as changing needs lead to changing attitudes.
As we have mentioned in our previous articles, drones are taking a significant role in crisis response. Communities from all around the world remain in social lockdown that includes social distancing, and drones are becoming more and more attractive as a means of continuing with usual activities. Medical supply deliveries, disinfection of large areas and social distance monitoring are some of the examples of drone utilisation. Furthermore, demand for global air cargo that far exceeds freighter capacity provides opportunities for cargo drones. What communities once viewed as disruptive technology is now being used to solve supply chain problems that the COVID-19 crisis has made apparent.
What Did The Study Find?
The study is based upon a survey of 325 senior executives in the European aerospace industry. Within the survey, 62% of those surveyed said that disruptive technologies are making their companies more competitive. The majority, 52% believe that they will see autonomous and electric aircraft in the skies within the next several years. These responses demonstrate that opinions are changing rapidly as studies as recent as January this year put the number of people interested in getting drone deliveries at about one third.
The executives surveyed, felt that drones not only made their companies competitive, but were an inevitable outcome of current trends towards autonomous aircraft and on-demand mobility. The author of the survey stated:
““Six in 10 (58 %) say that autonomous aircraft and on-demand flights are the future of commercial aerospace, while another 58 % believe that commercial electric short-haul flights will become available in a few years’ time.”
Coverdrone are extremely pleased to see the alteration of opinion in regards to the utilisation of drones, in that they can become a key tool within day to day society. What do you think about the pandemic having an effect on the views of drones? Do you think it has had a positive effect? Let us know via our social channels!