
Send In The Insurance Assessor Drones

Sometimes just flying drones isn’t enough. Throw two experienced cinematographers into the mix and you get Echo Alfa, a dynamic combination that offers clients a creative aerial twist…  Read More

Can Drones Fuel UK Growth?

Drones now crop up in every walk of life. The opportunities to add value to existing services are increasing, and research from Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) suggests that the use of UAVs can help to boost the British economy by £42bn by 2030…    Read More

Drones Aiding Railway Improvements

Modern railways present complex challenges to engineers, safety officers and maintenance teams. The speed and flexibility of drones offers solutions to emerging challenges… Read More

Unmanned Air Traffic Management

With airspace becoming more congested and presenting increasingly complex challenges to UAV operators, a high-tech cloud-based solution is now available to enable drones to communicate and operate safely across the airspace…  Read More

What Is The Future Of Drones?

Unmanned aerial vehicles are now playing a significant role in our daily lives. Over the next decade, as regulations and air safety mechanisms evolve further, drones are likely to be essential to everything we do. Read More

Drones Keeping The Roads Safe

Britain’s roads are often gridlocked. Traffic officers struggle to reach congested areas, but drones could fly to the rescue and offer a mobile solution to monitoring the country’s motorists…   Read More

Police Investigations and Crowd Control Drones

The phrase “Eye in the Sky” is taking on a new meaning as law enforcement agencies and police forces around the world are beginning to adopt drone technology to video and photograph crowds, security zones and sensitive incidents.  Read More

King of the Drones – David Hopley

Since drones first took to the skies equipped with a camera, there has been a steady stream of impressive aerial photos posted online. Throw an experienced photographer into the mix and the result is stunning images. Here’s David Hopley’s UAV story… Read More

Rescue Drones Saving Lives

Drones seem to crop up in different parts of people’s lives every day, and in Australia an unmanned aerial vehicle has completed something remarkable – helping to save lives!  Read More