
What Is The Future Of Drones?

Unmanned aerial vehicles are now playing a significant role in our daily lives. Over the next decade, as regulations and air safety mechanisms evolve further, drones are likely to be essential to everything we do. Read More

CHPV – Offshore Drone Specialists

When you boast 50 years’ offshore filming experience you’d better deliver exceptional quality. That’s exactly what UAV experts CHPV offer clients: breath-taking video and photography from Europe’s most experienced offshore media company… Read More

Police Investigations and Crowd Control Drones

The phrase “Eye in the Sky” is taking on a new meaning as law enforcement agencies and police forces around the world are beginning to adopt drone technology to video and photograph crowds, security zones and sensitive incidents.  Read More

King of the Drones – David Hopley

Since drones first took to the skies equipped with a camera, there has been a steady stream of impressive aerial photos posted online. Throw an experienced photographer into the mix and the result is stunning images. Here’s David Hopley’s UAV story… Read More

Rescue Drones Saving Lives

Drones seem to crop up in different parts of people’s lives every day, and in Australia an unmanned aerial vehicle has completed something remarkable – helping to save lives!  Read More

Delivery Drones – Will They Really Take Off?

The idea of delivery drones, like autonomous driverless cars and unmanned trains, has caused controversy since they were first mentioned. For ever-demanding consumers, however, being able to get products shipped direct by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is appealing. Coverdrone peeps into the future… Read More

Mission Possible for The Helicopter Girls

Formed in 2012, The Helicopter Girls are not your usual drone team. With a wealth of experience in TV and films, plus hands-on knowledge of UAVs and top-end cameras, these commercial operators deliver stunning aerial images… never shying away from a challenging mission! Read More